Fast Financing? Try a Merchant Cash Advance
When you operate a public-facing business, your ability to take advantage of short-term opportunities that bring you a lot of customers hinges on your ability to summon the working capital you need to prepare for each of them. That means being able to stock up on extra inventory, renovate and redecorate, or double down on your branding when things are ready to take off. Finding those fast, short-term financing options does not need to be difficult—all it takes is a little exploration of options like a merchant cash advance (MCA).
How MCAs Work for Your Business
Cash advances in general are designed to be available more quickly than long-term loans because they are financed through assets that have predictable revenues coming in. For MCAs, that means LuniCorp associates review your average monthly credit card receipts to calculate your advance availability and then repayment is expressed as a percentage of those receipts each month.
Benefits of Merchant Account Advances
- Fast and flexible financing
- No application fees or closing cost
- Easy repayment
- Take advantage of market opportunities
- Cover short-term expenses
- Up to $200,000 per advance
When you are ready to talk about the details that go into setting up a merchant cash advance for your business, our associates are ready to help you with your application.